That must have taken some effort on your part, Chuck, to prop up the current governor. You even made it sound as though he isn't the complete screw up that he is. Newsom, a cranially-challenged silver spooner from the inbred San Francisco political tribes, has played hypocrite and inept leader since his days as SF Mayor. He contributed mightily to the Stinking City by the Bay.

While I admire your capability to actually think this frat boy is worthy of running the state, there has to be a reckoning. California sucks. It has deteriorated into a blaze-burning, drought-parched collection of counties where the middle-class has not returned for the next act. This golden boy, emphasis on the boy, has the leadership qualities of the King of the Eloi. He's happy to ring the dinner bell and instruct his fellow citizens to march straight to the Morlocks.

Is it hopeless? Why yes it is. The voters in SF, L.A., and the state in general are so enamored of going to cocktail parties and telling Trump jokes (The ones that replaced the Bush jokes that replaced the Reagan jokes that replaced the Nixon jokes) that no one has taken notice of the execrable state the, well, state is in.

Perhaps you should level with them, Chuck? How about this?

Dear Fellow Golden Staters;

The governor sucks. The mayors all suck. The D.A.s all suck. The supervisors and city councils suck. Quite frankly, my fellow citizens, we've been electing God's Special Education class graduates for decades and where we are now is in the proverbial dire straits. If you want to have a prayer of rescuing the Tarnished State from further degradation, vote Biff out and let someone with a little more maturity and, gasp(!), common sense in. I know it will hurt to tell your martini-swilling friends that conservatives run California, especially Hollywood, but the schools are open. The teachers aren't gold-bricking anymore. The forest rubbish is gone. And we're building water storage facilities like crazy. Next up? We might even lower the income tax rates below the level that crushed the Roman Empire. There's a chance, my fellow Golden State Stooges, but we have to square up to our electoral stupidity since 1978. Will email instructions for you to get help at P.A., Progressives Anonymous. You'll have lots of company.

Be well,

Chuck "In The Tank For The Left" Nevius

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